搜索结果: "".

搜索结果: "". 第 1 页,共 1 页,结果 1 到 5 / 5
职务 地点 工作职务 工作经验 Sort ascending
Commissioning Supervisor
Commissioning Supervisor Taichung City, Taiwan, TW + 另外 3 个… 2024年9月17日
Taichung City, Taiwan, TW + 另外 3 个… Professional
Mechanical Engineer, Gearbox
Mechanical Engineer, Gearbox Leça do Balio, Grande Porto, PT 2024年9月17日
Leça do Balio, Grande Porto, PT Engineering Professional
Wind Turbine Technician II - Bridger, MT
Wind Turbine Technician II - Bridger, MT Bridger, MT, US 2024年9月17日
Bridger, MT, US Field Operations Skilled Worker / Semi-Skilled Worker
Team Leader - NDT External Blades and Assembly
Team Leader - NDT External Blades and Assembly Chennai, TN, IN 2024年9月17日
Chennai, TN, IN Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Team Leader
Wind Turbine Technician II-Reynolds, IN
Wind Turbine Technician II-Reynolds, IN Chalmers, IN, US 2024年9月17日
Chalmers, IN, US Field Operations Skilled Worker / Semi-Skilled Worker